Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Couple Outfits

Dating culture is a big part of Korean culture: dating calendar apps, Valentine's Day, White Day, Cookie Day, Kissing Day, Ring Exchange Day, couple outfits, couple menu items at restaurants, dating gift packages at stores, couple rings, etc. Couples here want to show that they're dating each other and want other people to see that they're an item. A popular online shopping site is gmarket, the of Korea. Here you can find couple swimwear, couple hoodies, couple t-shirts, couple shoes, couple hats, couple underwear... You can also find a lot of couple items, clothing and rings in shopping centers and department stores.

It's not just couples that will wear matching outfits. It's also pretty common for siblings and friends to wear matching outfits.
Brothers, Jeff and Paul
 Paul and Thomas.
Sometimes you'll see couples wear similar colors or styles...sometimes couples will have the same shirts, or hats, or shoes...and some will be dressed the same from head to toe. Here's a few pictures of couples I've seen around town.

 It's common for the men to carry their girl's purse or bag.

So, any of you up for wearing a couple outfit with your significant other?

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