Monday, April 8, 2013

The Laugh Corner #3

In Korea it's common to not have an actual shower space in your bathroom. Your shower head is usually connected to your sink with a drain in the middle of your bathroom floor, and if there's anything you don't want to get wet (i.e. your toilet paper) either stick it in a cupboard or outside the bathroom.

An important thing to remember after taking your shower is to turn the knob on the side of your faucet, which will stop the water flow to the shower head and direct it to your sink. Very important to remember! was one of those forgetful days. Let's just say that the next time I used the sink, the location that the water came from was quite a surprise.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the things you are learning... all by experience! So glad you can laugh about it... kinda wish I was there to experience it with you! haha
