Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Laugh Corner #2

My best friend from high school in Ecuador came to visit me this past weekend. She's currently living a few hours south of me, near Busan.

Krista and I

Well, at least she said it was to visit me. I think the visit was really for the american cheese you can get at Costco in Daejeon. We had a nice time walking there and then proceeded to spend way too much money on cheese, dill pickles, ground beef, honey nut cheerios, etc. By the way, Costco pizza is amazing! It's definitely worth the stress of trying to find somewhere to sit. Then again, we did go on a Saturday, an extremely busy day because of there being free samples on weekends.

We then decided to take a taxi back since the thought of carrying what felt like 50 lbs of goods for two miles was not very appealing. Taxis here are very reasonably priced. What can take 40 minutes to walk, takes 5 minutes and about $3 by taxi. Everything went well until it came time to stop. I told the driver "here's ok." The only problem is that I got my "here" (yeogi) and "there" (cheogi) mixed up and the driver wouldn't stop!  I then proceeded to start yelling "Aqui! Aqui!" The problem with this is that "aqui" (here) is Spanish...not Korean. It seems that when my mind goes blank on what to say in Korean, it automatically switches to Spanish. Krista tends to switch to Japenese, however she did save the day when she remembered how to say "stop" and we got off the taxi only a block past my place. The poor taxi driver. I'm sure us two waegugins (foreigners) had him completely confused.


  1. that is hysterical! I probably would have done the same thing! So glad you seem to be immersing yourself right into the culture! Good job friend!

  2. Two MKs together in a foreign country could be dangerous! I was laughing so much Mom had to come over and see what was so funny. I wonder if "Aqui" has any meaning in Korean? Glad to hear you had a good time with Krista.

  3. :) That happened to me and still happens to me with the whole Spanish coming out. When I'm speaking Chinese, I want to speak Spanish. When I'm speaking Spanish, Chinese comes out :( Why that is I don't know.
