Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Picnic Day

Friday was Picnic Day for our kindergarten, and many other kindergartens too. We went to a park with lots of pretty flowers, greenhouses, animals, a dinosaur section, games, and other fun activities for little kids.
The view was great and the flowers were very nice.
Lots of cool flowers.

Putting old toilets to good use.

These flowers smelled like baking cookies.

The kids planting their own flowers.

Harry and Eric, always in style (7s)

Matthew and Jenny with their plants (6s)

Alex (4s), Eric's younger brother; also known as stylish brother #2.

Ooooh. Pretty.

Climbing the hill to see more flowers.

Eddy would rather go downhill than up.

Lots of pretty tulips.

A windmill to go with the tulips.

School picture. I think the main purpose of this trip was for the teachers to take hundreds of pictures of the kids in order to send to their parents. The kids were good sports about it.

The kids were all fascinated by my sunglasses and wanted to take turns wearing them. Here's a few of them.


I took this picture right after we went down the tube hill. They had a hill covered in a green plastic mat. The staff members sprayed water on it, and the kids got to go down the hill on an inner tube. The six boys from the 7s class went, and all eight kids from the 6s class went (including the two girls). These two girls were very brave. I ended up going down the hill together with James. I told James to hold on tight and off we went. I don't think James expected us to go as fast as we did and he didn't end up holding on, and part way down the hill James started to fly off my lap. I flung one arm around him and held onto the tube with the other and hoped that we wouldn't flip. We arrived at the bottom and just laid there for a minute thankful to be on solid ground again, much to the merriment of the other teachers. I think James and I ended up getting more than what we thought we'd bargained for.

The 4s: Jeff, Sunny, and Alex

The 5s. I asked for a happy face, and this is what I got.

The 6s. A very energetic bunch, always looking for the next adventure.

The 7s. Their poses are very true to character.

I don't think I've seen rabbits this big before. They were huge! Maybe they're descendants of the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.

There was a part of the park that had moving dinosaurs. It had a few of the girls (5s) completely freaked out.


I wonder what kind of deep thoughts go through a 7 year old's head.

Who ever said that you can't have snacks after eating lunch? 

We had so much food for lunch! The parents packed food for the teachers in addition to the lunches for their own kids. Typical picnic food in S.Korea is kimbap and fruit.
In the states, picnic food is usually some kind of sandwich. My family always liked to go all the way when it came to sandwiches. Instead of just having plain ham and cheese, we would bring all the sandwich toppings (pickles, tomatoes, etc) in a separate bag to add on to our sandwich when it was time to eat.
In Ecuador, some people would have milanesa (breaded cutlet) sandwiches or bread and cheese, but they usually prefer having a hot meal. There are many little restaurants located around the country that are open only during lunchtime. My family has been on hikes before where the friends with us carried a pot with them, found some wood to make a fire and cooked their potatoes and meat for lunch. That whole process took quite some time. I think ready-made sandwiches or kimbap are so much more convenient when someone is hungry and wants to eat right away.
What do you like to eat when going on a picnic?


  1. I love the flowers in the toilet and the killer Rabbits ... and you and your blog!!!

  2. We like to eat Submarina... Sorry, only in California!!
